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This is me.


I was born really late to Graphic Design. I was 26 years old the day I chased this career. Since then I've been growing and being more and more conscious of how much more I can progress. It's a profession where every day you learn something new. What's more exciting than that?

I started working as a trainee for six months in a little web design business, then two years as a freelance, 1 month for the Malaga Film Festival, a couple of months in a print shop (economic crisis hit hard) and the last 6 years and half I've worked at dommo, an Advertising Agency in Madrid, as a Graphic Designer and Art Director.


I started design as an autodidact, so I have no fear of new things and/or technologies. My greatest quality I'd say is being fast while maintaining an above average quality of design. Making brand logos and identities is what I love. I'm really good at retouching images. And I also love editorial design.


My Mac, the Adobe Suite, inspiration sites and a piece of paper nearby.


Email -

Tel - 660 281 498

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